Able to download virtual holographic items into reality, in addition to his power upgrade make Sentinel Maximus a perfect balance between soldier and leader. Now in a powered armored transport, the vast arsenal at his disposal is second to none. With a Spark fusion catalyzed by the ancient Cybertronian supercomputer, Vector Sigma, Primal Prime and Apelinq made the ultimate sacrifice to bind their fates together to save their fellow Autobots against the diabolical Cryotek. Possessing both the knowledge of those heroic leaders that have come before and the qualities that define a master battlefield tactician, Sentinel Maximus has risen in the darkest hours of Cybertron's past to protect its future.

The Covenant of Primus foretells the coming of an Autobot born of beast and forged from the ancient fires of the cosmos. Original Profile (from OTFCC 2004 Booklet): For a more detailed look at the toy, check out Overload's review and for a bit more perspective, check out Ultra Magnus' review too. This review will focus on the changes made to the toy for this release. The core sculpt used for Sentinel Maximus is the Armada Overload toy. In addition to that, no mention of the convention is made on Sentinel Maximus' packaging, making him perhaps the only official Transformers convention toy without some type of indicator as to what year/convention it came from. The result was an interesting one: two profiles for the same toy. However, they wound up creating their own packaging for the toy which differed from the sample box shown at the convention earlier in the year. When 3H closed up shop, Hasbro was forced to take it upon themselves to deliver the toy to those who had ordered it.

However, due to production delays, he was not available at OTFCC.

Sentinel Maximus was originally slated to be one of the OTFCC (Official Transformers Collector's Convention) 2004 exclusive toys.

For the uninitiated, here's the sordid tale (well, by Transformers fan standards anyhow).